Sunday, January 13, 2008

Is Your Relationship In Trouble - 3 Things You Should Never Do


Recently I wrote an article about Ultimatums and how they have no place in a relationship, whilst writing this article I was inspired to write a few short lines about things we should not do if our relationship is at breaking point. I hope that following three ideas help:

1. Avoid ultimatums, if you feel that your relationship is close to breaking point. This is manipulative and is a deliberate attempt to control your partner. Backing someone into a corner and forcing a decision is really not the way you would want your relationship to flow. You really don’t want someone who has to be given an ultimatum, especially when it comes to whether they leave the relationship or stay (having said that, I will say that there are times when ultimatums are a good thing).And there is an article dedicated to the other side of ultimatums on my site.

2. Do not play the blame game. Blaming your partner for the trouble in your relationship is not constructive and will not assist you in solving your problems. It takes two people to have a relationship and ultimately break one up, so try to be positive in your attempt to resolve issues.

3. Do not allow your lives to become separate. Don’t go off and do your thing, while they do theirs. This will only push you further apart. Try and do things together that will encourage closeness and laughter, if possible. It can be very easy to fall into the negative trap of shutting down.

Tough times in a relationship and trying to resolve difficult issues can be extremly overwhelming and hard however at the other end of the spectrum you will build trust and a stronger relationship. If you truly love your partner, you will have an excellent chance of being able to get through these tough times.

Article written by Janelle Coulton, Jan 01, 2008

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous19:03

    Thank you very much. And thank you for adding my blog to Crescenet. Unfortunately I can only speak and write English so I found it difficult to navigate around the site. Not to worry. Cheers and thanks again, *Hugs* Jel.
