Friday, May 23, 2014

Getting A Win-Win Resolution In A Marriage Conflict

In a marriage there will always be conflict on some level. Most of these conflicts can be solved and other conflicts may be more serious and a couple may need to come to a compromise or simply agree to disagree. In any conflict or argument it is important for couples to find a resolution whereboth spouses win.”

Unfortunately some conflicts can become so confrontational and emotional that for the couple, “winning the argument and being right becomes more important. It is important to point out that being right could eventually ruin the marriage. Winning and making the other person wrong is simply not worth the damage it does to the relationship, the trust between the couple and their future ability to be able to communicate easily.

Working together and following the steps below will hopefully give you some pointers on how to reach a mutually agreeable outcome. Always keep in mind that if your partner loses, then it’s quite likely that marriage does too.

*Be clear about what the problem is; make sure you are both aware of what you are working towards. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of the situation and forget what it was you were arguing about. Therefore you need to identify what the problem is before you can solve it. Your husband or wife might be angry because you spend too much time at work and not enough time at home. Because of this you may feel that your children and you are missing out on spending quality time with your spouse. Once you are both clear on what the issue is move onto the next step.

*Ask your partner, in a non-confrontational way for what you need and want in order to resolve the issue. Do not accuse and do not use insulting language. Telling your husband or wife they are selfish is not a good way to start. Use “I” messages and speak from the heart. Say something like: “I feel hurt when we don’t get much time together because you are working so much.” Then move onto ask for what you specifically need and want.

*Be prepared to listen to what your spouse has to say. One common argument in marriages is that one or both spouses do not feel like they are being heard. When your partner responds to your request, listen to what they have to say and show them with your body language and non verbal cues that you are listening. Do not interrupt. Maintain eye contact and use verbal cues to show that you have heard what they are saying, such as; “I hear what you’re saying or I understand.” This is called active listening.

*To get a win/win outcome in a conflict with your spouse you need to deliberately search for a solution. If you feel you can’t come up with one right away, then take a break. Doing this will give you and your spouse time to think things over. When you return to the discussion, try to have a brainstorming session and throw some ideas around. Your spouse may not have a solution for how he or she can spend less time at work. It could be a really busy time and not doable for them at this time. If that is the case you need to let it go, but if you are aware that your spouse is putting in extra hours voluntarily then perhaps asking them to cut back a little would work for you.

*Instead of trying to win the argument and get your way, by brainstorming and looking for a solution you are both comfortable with, you will more than likely end up with an outcome whereby both of you win. Be willing to “negotiate and compromise.” Marriage is sometimes about sacrifice and there could be a way you could give something up so that you and your spouse are together more. This might seem like very hard work, and it is but this kind of work is what builds a strong marriage and will bring the two of you closer.

There will be times when it will be impossible to get to a win/win resolution, however you can agree to disagree or set things aside and see where things go in the next few months. Thing change all the time in our lives and you may be able to revisit the dispute down the line with the intention of solving it. Don’t give up and throw your hands in the air in frustration, just take a breath and agree with your spouse to put the issue on the back burner for a short time.

Keep in mind the next time you are arguing with your spouse, that winning the argument is not necessarily a good thing. You may win this round, but in end you are weakening your marriage.

Article Sources:

For more information about the author, visit: Jel Writes or Whitney Rose – Self Help Site

This article is also posted on Full of Knowledge

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Copyright © 2013 Angie Rose Whitney

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